Long time ago when beauty parlors were not there all women were using the natural remedies for their beauty care. There are many natural resources which are highly useful for hair care, skin care and other beauty cares too.
Papaya is one of such natural beauty care resource which is highly useful not only for external but also for internal body care. Papaya is recommended by doctors as well as by beauty proficients.
Papaya for Skin care: Papaya acts as natural face cleaner and moisturizer. It removes the dead skin and helps in generation of new skin cells. You should place the green part of papaya on skin at least for 20 minutes. It makes skin smooth and shiny. It absorbs heat from skin and thus acts as cooler. It is one of the best treatments against acne problem. It works against the aging spots and adds fair complexion to the skin. Now a day’s many cosmetic products are made up of papaya. But along with those products we should apply natural fruit to the skin as it is more effective.
Papaya For Eye care: Because of computer work, continuous TV watching and may be because of pollution our eyes turns red. If you are eating papaya, internally it will be useful to cure the eye problem. For relaxing eyes you can put papaya slice on them. It absorbs the heat from eyes and makes them feel calm and cool. It is very helpful to remove dark circles and returning the spark of your eyes.
Thus papaya is highly recommended remedy for skin care. Not only for facial care you can use for hands as well as on legs to make them smooth and bright.
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