Like papaya, Lemon juice Almond is one of the most useful and effective remedy for beauty care. My grandmother used to tell me,”eating Almond is beneficial for nervous system”. Almond is highly recommended for eye care, hair care and skin care. Also it helps in reducing the cholesterol level. Soak 2-3 pieces of almond in water at night time. Take them in the morning with empty stomach. Regular intake will result in naturally healthy skin.

Face Whitening Cream: Make almond powder and add it in the milk. Try to make the mixture thick. Apply the mixture using cotton. This mixture acts as Natural cleanser and whitening cream. Almond contains the natural oil that helps in removing the dark spot and aging marks from the skin.
Nourishing Hair Oil: Almond oil message is worthy for smooth, glowing and thicker hairs. You should apply Almond oil twice in the week. It suits for all hair types. It also acts as cooling agent so make us relaxed and helps in getting good sleep.
Eye and Face Pack: If you are adding Almond powder along with honey it becomes a very effective face pack. This pack acts as anti wrinkle. It helps in getting highly glowing skin with good complexions.
Skin oil: Same as hair Almond is very good for skin oiling. Before taking bath you should massage your face and body with almond oil. It helps in removing all dust and patches from the skin. Adding almond powder in rose water and then applying it also equally beneficial for skin.
So it is highly recommended to use all natural remedies for healthy and beautiful skin.
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