Recently I started wearing spectacles. Within 2 months I got the marks near nose. I was scared of those marks but then I concerned with skin specialist. Within 15 days I saw the good result. I will suggest you to apply these simple treatments to get ride of red and black marks caused due to spectacles.
In whole day remove your specs for some time and rub the area near nose that comes in contact with the specs.You should wash the face at least 2-3 times in a day. Especially near eyes to remove the daily increasing effect of spectacles.Make a habit of putting cucumber, tomato or potato slice on the eye. They will act as natural cleanser and helps in removing such spots from the skin.For red marks you can apply the lemon juice. Apply lemon juice by using cotton because even a small drop of lemon may not be good for your eyes.Almond oil message to the area near eyes is one of the best treatments for relaxing your eyes as well as to remove black and red spec marks.Go for light weight specs or contact lenses to avoid the pressure on eyes.View the original article here
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