Cosmetic Makeup Cosmetic Makeup ~ Beauty Female Cosmopolite

Kamis, 23 Juni 2011

Cosmetic Makeup

Cosmetic Makeup ; With the introduction of so many amazing new products in the world of cosmetics, you will think that these makeup and other beauty products were discovered just now. But then, the history of cosmetics can be traced back to ancient times, from the era of ancient Egypt to be exact.

With this said, we can then say that this cosmetic history is truly very rich. To begin with, makeup had already been used by both men and women thousands of years before, and this can be proven by the Archaeologists’ discovery of numerous jars of makeup items inside the Egyptian tombs that dates back to around 3000 BC.
We all know that in the past, Egyptians worked hard and were exposed to the heat of the sun in the desert for long periods . And so, in order to fight off the scorching heat, they formulated a product which is very similar to the lotions that we have today, specifically, the lotions that relieve dry skin and help in preventing wrinkles at the same time.

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